1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?
2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.
3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.
These questions are the ones being asked, and the ones I've got to answer right now, right here. Anyway, so far, Will, Henry, and Beanpole have come to a resting point, as Will has collapsed of exhaustion. They were found by the Comtesse, who being so kind and generous, had decided to take them in to the Castle of the Red Tower. In which she lived by the way, with the Comte and their daughter Eloise. This is a very brief summary, but will be much clearer once I answer those three questions...
Well, in the village of Wherton, where Will originally came from before he left; the Tripods controlled the villagers by Capping them. The Tripods gave them the idea that Capping was an excellent experience and that it was meant to be a celebration or coming of age ceremony. Plus, the Tripods, I think, use the vagrants as an example of what could happen if you aren't capped. As you know, vagrants have a tendency to act a little strange and unusual. Actually, they are quite abnormal. Anyway, the villagers are made to be afraid and terrified of these vagrants. In my opinion, the Tripods take advantage of this, and use the vagrants to kind of scare the villagers into getting capped as well. In addition to all this, the villagers are led to believe that the Tripods are their rulers and that they should be thankful for their existence; which they are taught at school. But the reason the villagers believe all these lies, are because they Tripods make sure they are all naive about the World, independence, and human capability. They are just as ignorant as Will. You see where he gets it? Anyway, in France, where Will is currently at, the way Tripods control the people there is practically the same, with a little more tweaks. They are still Capped, and led to believe that Capping is a celebration. For example, on page 115, it explains how girls get capped as well, but that they must wear a turban around their heads until their hair has grown out. Then, they have a celebratory ball to honor it. Plus, there is also a giant feast and tournament for boys before they are capped. (Pgs. 121-122) So you can see they really look forward to their capping ceremony and believe it is of importance as well. They do also believe the Tripods are meant for good, though, they aren't, I don't think, scared into it. It doesn't seem necessary. Plus, surprisingly enough, they are actually generous and giving people. At least those in the castle are. I mean, take the Comtesse for instance. She is a very warmhearted, giving person, but she does it because she wants to, not because she has to. In Wherton, the woman who was of the same personality as the Comtesse, was only generous because she had to be. It was kind of her job, you know? (Pg.104) So as you can see, the Tripods in France are actually quite similar to those in Wherton, but a little less 'strict' with ruling.
Okay, so now onto the second question. Will, as I've mentioned before, wound up in the Castle of the Red Tower. Well in the castle he has met a particular family (The Comte, Comtesse, and their daughter Eloise.) that he absolutely adores. On pg.110, it explains how Will is closer to the Comtesse and Eloise than he is with the Comte. The Comte, apparently, is a large, ugly man, who has a reputation for bravery during the tournament and hunt. He and Will have very little conversation, as the Comte has very bad English, and is friendly but awkward towards Will. In truth, Will is much closer to the Comtesse. Pg.113-114 explain how Eloise is like her mother (the Comtesse), which brings out the Comtesse's personality. The Comtesse, has a soothing gentleness, and has a deep feeling for all living creatures; animal or human. She is also very kind, and intelligent, and Will feels comfortable around her. But out of the entire family, Will enjoys Eloise's company the most. On pg.124, it exhibits how Will feels about Eloise and how much he enjoys her company. The talk and take walks together down in the castle's gardens. Will, in fact, has a small blooming crush on Eloise. But no matter how comfortable he feels in the castle with this this family; he still hates the fact that they are capped. On Pg.111, it clearly projects this. "The bitter thing was that all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than their inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" That quote is from Will's point of view, stating, that though this family is courageous, intelligent, and kindhearted; there is no use as they do not have an independent mind to put these traits to use. They are still controlled by the Tripods. This is what really annoys Will.
In the beginning, Will states he would "rather die than be Capped." (Pg. 39) And throughout the whole journey, Will had the same exact mindset. I mean, that is the whole point of their voyage to the White Mountains; to search for a place where they could all live in freedom and free-thinking. Anyway, in the beginning of Chapter 6, Will still has the same thoughts, (which is quite obvious since he hates the fact the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise are capped.) but those thoughts slowly disintegrate... Will gets tempted to stay behind at the castle to live a life of luxury with Eloise; and get Capped! This was really surprising when I read it, because Will has come extremely far in this voyage, and has risked so much, and yet he wants to give up and throw all that effort away? That is... 'interesting'. Anyway, on Pgs. 121-125 it shows what is restraining him from continuing his journey to the White Mountains. One reason is because he feels left out in their group of three. Beanpole and Henry have recently been ignoring him and excluding him from conversation. He does want to be loyal to the group, but he doesn't see the point, as they ignore his existence anyway. But another reason he wants to stay at the castle, is because he wants to live with the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise. Will has always wanted the kind of family who really care and love him, as well as encourage him in everything. And he believes that this family in the castle is perfect! Plus, he loves Eloise's company, and feels she actually notices him and cares for him, and so does the Comtesse. Lastly, he wants to stay because the life he could live in the castle as a knight is very inviting. Back in Wherton, Will lived in a common, if not, poor life. He had a small home, and school wasn't that great either. But in the castle, where he was invited to stay, he might have the opportunity to live in splendor. He wants to experience all these events and activities such as the tournament and hunt, and he is willing to be capped in order to do so. On pg.124, it states how Will isn't that afraid of being Capped anymore. "Providing the Capping was a success, I reminded myself. But why should it not be? Captain Curtis's warning belonged to the time when this language had been meaningless gibberish to me. Now, even though I was still far from speaking it perfectly, I understood it. Nor was I likely to become a Vagrant through resisting when there was so much to gain by acquiescence." Will is prepared to go through with the Capping process just to live the perfect life he has been searching for, which he believes will be in the castle.
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